
To our friends and family:

We've been so busy preparing to leave, there have been few opportunities to stop and reflect. But Kerrie and I have had a few recently, and we just wanted to let all of you know how much you mean to us.  

There is a selfish, worldly fiber in me that occasionally doubts God, challenges him, or doesn't like some of the things he calls me to do.  Maybe you have been there before? Well, following him to Guatemala has given me a few of those moments.  Whether it's leaving good friends and family, entering into so much uncertainty, dealing with pride issues (the list goes on), Kerrie and I have done some wrestling with God in the last couple months. Through it all though, we stand more devoted to him, more in love with him, and clinging to him like never before.  

It's in these places of uncertainty and confusion that we can find the most comfort in the person of Jesus.  When we are struggling in this way, and finally let go, giving in to faith and trust... that's when we find ourselves in his loving and protective care.  His love for us, and promise to never let go of us, takes on a whole new meaning.

We will miss you all so much.  We have not taken for granted our relationships.  In the last few years, memories of laughs, tears, prayers, worship, meals, and joy fill our hearts and minds as we depart for a new chapter of life.  We will hold tight to those memories.  

Thankfully, God reminds us frequently not to get caught up in our temporary status on earth, no matter how great it might be.  This may sound crazy, but turning 33 soon, both Kerrie and I feel like time is short.  

May we run hard after him together - and come before him someday prepared, and exhausted, having not wasted the time.

Love you all -
Brock & Kerrie
