21 students!

last night we launched a 13-week theology course via Zoom with 21 students.

21 students!!! this will be a true test for how this (home-built) course works out in a full class setting! 

the class is made up of graduates from BVSA academies and young men from partnering churches.  a few of their wives are taking the class as well.

on this first call, i asked everyone to share why they're taking the class.  i have to admit, i was hit with a little bit of emotion as i listened.

  • "i want to be a pastor, and i know that i have a lot to learn, and i want to grow."
  • "i am a pastor and want to grow in my knowledge of Gods Word."
  • "Nicho told me how much he grew taking this class, and i want to grow in my faith as well." 
  • "i teach boys in the Academy every day, and i need to be stronger in Gods Word."
  • "my husband is a pastor and teaches the Bible, but i want to have a stronger foundation as well."
  • "i know that God has called me to full time ministry and i have never studied theology before."
  • "i want to be a missionary, and i hope this class will help equip me with a stronger foundation."
i am praising God for this opportunity! may the Lord use it to equip his people, advance the gospel, and above all for his own glory!

