Who and where are the "unreached"

For the last year or so I have asked a question to several people in global missions and church leadership that's been tough to find a simple answer to.  

It's with regard to the word "unreached."  Generally, the term refers to people and areas that have not yet been reached with the gospel.  There are ministries that do a deep dig into this, and I am grateful for them. For example, I find the The Joshua Project to be a tremendous resource.

But there are many areas in the world today that are considered "unreached" that were actually "reached" at one point.  Modern day Turkey, Syria, Iran, Libya, North Africa, even parts of Asia and India, were places the early church began and grew.  Yet today they are considered "unreached."  even Italy and Greece, where some of the original New Testament churches were planted, are now considered unreached. 

So my question is, does "unreached" simply mean "currently not reached with the gospel"?  Or does it mean "never been reached with the gospel"?  Or what about the category of "reached at one point, but now under a twisted or false version of the gospel"?

Matthew 24:14 says once the gospel has been preached to all the nations (tribes/languages), the end will come.  And Joshua Project says 42% of the world is still "unreached."  But a lot of that 42% would have been considered "reached" at one point.  Does my dilemma sense?

Maybe I am overthinking it.  But the truth is, this topic can sometimes be a discouragement for missionaries who are working in places that have been labeled "already reached." Paul says in Romans 15 that his ambition is to preach the gospel "not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else's foundation..." If measured against today's context and definitions, this can make a missionary's labor in an area tagged "reached" feel insignificant.

That being said, we want to appreciate and obey what Paul is getting at.  Strategies to reach the places in the world with the least gospel opportunities is critical.  And it's certainly frequent that God will move a missionary from one place to the next because the gospel is alive and well where they are.  Praise God!  

But clearly there are times and places where the Lord would have missionaries strategically located in places already tagged "reached."  When this is the case, they must stay where they are and continue working, unaffected by constructed (albeit helpful) definitions of "reached" and "unreached"?

I was in Guatemala a couple weeks ago, visiting a team where we had previously spent 10+ years. We were studying Romans 15 together with our local staff.  It's important to note that much of Guatemala would be considered "reached" by most sources.  Towards the end of the study, one of our workers, Dennilson, asked to speak.  Dennilson is normally a pretty quiet guy. 

Here's what he said: 

"When we read Romans 15:20-21, it made me think of how you guys left your home in the United States many years ago and came to our village.  Over that time you've been teaching us what the Bible really says and to read it for ourselves.  Before you came, the people here thought that only a leader in a church can understand and teach the Bible.  And we have always believed what they said, even though it's been wrong and there are no biblical churches here.  I don't know if anyone in our village would have ever read the Bible for themselves if you hadn't come to our village.  That's what I think of when I read Romans 15:20-21, so I just want to say thank you."

Dennilson's comments, under any circumstances, would have brought me to tears.  But in light of the recent thoughts and conversations I've been having about the "unreached", it was even more timely.  I received his words as a sweet encouragement from the Lord.

Definitions and distinctions made by ministries like the Joshua Project are extremely helpful, and we should clearly prioritize people groups that have the least access to the gospel.  But we should also remain aware that the Lord calls missionaries where he pleases and when he pleases, for His purposes and glory. 

As we abide in Christ, and listen and obey, may He lead us to reach them - wherever they might be. 


Romans 15:20-21

...and thus I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else's foundation, 21 but as it is written,

“Those who have never been told of him will see,

    and those who have never heard will understand.”



George said…
Good stuff Brock. As you know, it's something I've been wrestling with as well. Shalom.
Josh Kimball said…
Unreached is anyone who hasn’t heard the Gospel and personally received salvation. Even reached with a false gospel is still unreached. Some have never heard. Many have heard and not understood. Others have understood and not received. Let’s keep planting.