Several recent updates!

Santa Cruz Bible Church (Iglesia Biblica Santa Cruz) is officially open. 

Our first service was April 28 with 4 families. Todd and Brock will pastor the church, Todd being lead pastor.  To kick things off, Todd is teaching verse by verse through Ephesians. It's been terrific! 

Pray for Todd's Spanish to get to where he no longer needs translation! We're all excited to finally have a local church and begin inviting people. All glory to God! May he be exalted at IBSC!!!  

Testimonies from Rhino Graduates

Julio Marroquin - 2016 Graduate
"The man that I am today is because of this Academy, and the examples that Brock and Mynor gave me." 

Julio made that comment at a recent grads bible study. He was one of our BV originals, and what a challenge he was!

But what a joy to see him today. He is a husband, father of 2 boys, and running his own construction business. 

Aldo Mendez - 2019 Graduate
"I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for this Academy. Everyone's support gave me a reason to live."  

Amazing words from Aldo, shared at a recent grads bible study. 

At 16, he survived a tragic accident that left him without a leg and an arm. He is now a husband, father, and small business owner. This picture was taken in the tienda that he runs.

Recent Visits
Great to have Vic Cuccia from Emmaus Church of Jacksonville come see the Quiche Project.

Hard to believe, but Vic and Emmaus have been with us since we came to the field in 2008. What a sweet journey it has been - so many great memories! Thanks for coming Vic!

Thank you to Brock's brother Chad, Marianne, and Mary for coming to Quiché!  

We crammed about as much as is humanly possible into 4 days! The BV Academy, home visits, bible study, Cesar's family, the Quiche Project job site, church at IBSC, the Mayan Ruins, Lolo's birthday, and lots of great conversation!  Unforgettable time!

Todd was Brock's childhood best friend, 7th grade through college! What a gift to have him and his wife Sarah come visit us. 

They were next door neighbors as kids, worked summer jobs together, college roommates, in each others weddings... the memories are endless. Now we can add an incredible time in Guatemala to the list.   

Thank you for the visit Todd and Sarah. Come back any time! Our casa es su casa!

We also recently had the joy of having our daughter Brooke and grandson James (Santi) come visit.  We missed Matt this time, as he had to stay back for work.

The Rolfes live in Austin, TX, and we only get to see them once or twice a year... so we soak in every minute when we get the chance.
Such a sweet time. Miss them already 💙

Ocean City Church Golf Tournament!

The Harmons have been dear friends since we started doing home church together back in 2005. Around the same time the Lord called us to Guatemala, He called them to Jax Beach to plant OCC. 

Recently OCC held a golf tournament fundraiser for the Quiche Project. It was amazing and raised more support than we ever imagined! Huge thank you to everyone at OCC for all the hard work and such an incredible time. We were blown away by all that your leaders, staff and church family did for us.

As a bonus, Brock was able to fly in to play in the tournament, and share at the banquet. He played with his dad, brother, and uncle Scott who he hadn't seen in 20 years- who came all the way from Idaho! 

The Quiche Project! 

The work at the job site continues going strong!  

We had to hit pause on the Chapel in order to focus on all the footers for the Academy building, before the rainy season hit. But the Chapel is now almost done and it's beautiful. 

Efforts are now cranking up towards completing Phase 1 now that it's fully funded! 
